The Content Support Unit (CsU) is part of the GCEF. It was created at the GCEF trust
meeting of June 5, 2020. Its main objective is to offer content and support capacity for the 3
lines of the GCEF action with a focus on practice-oriented approaches to citizenship
education. These lines of action are the organisation of intensive courses, tailor-made in-
house training and short- and long-term technical assistance. Its specific focus is on the
content and format of education proposals as well as on the identification of entities from
Public, Private, Academic, and Civil Society organisations (PPACs) to participate in the
implementation of these proposals. The CsU working group is headed by LĂ©once Bekemans,
GCEF trustee and Jean Monnet professor ad personam.

The GCEF-CsU adopts a phased step-by-step development in the implementation of its task.
It is developing a broad informative and contextual framework that serves as a synthetic
reference and major background for the specific GCEF capacity building activities. CsU
work refers to the sources of International Law, the definitions and classifications of Human
Rights, the international and regional Human Rights instruments and finally to the main
elements of Human Rights-based Education.

A particular content attention is given to
overviewing and assessing the context and content of the 30 articles of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, in connection with the Global Sustainable Development Goals.
The GCEF-CsU works in close contact with the GCEF secretariat that prepares on a trimestral
base an updating progress report on project proposals for the trustees. Continued networking
with existing and potential new partners are part of the work in progress, also in view of
increasing the GCEF research potential.