The President of the Trust presents the lines of action to the Board of Trustees. When approved, the President drives their implementation through the development of three services to be offered in collaboration with entities that bring the necessary capabilities and expertise to develop the lines of action at the expected level or above.
The current President of the Trust is Jaume Guardans, Patricia Piña is the Director of the Administration and Finance Department (AFD), Carla Fadlallah is the Project Manager.

AETS Consultants
International consulting company (Brussels) that works alongside governments and the private and public sectors to offer sustainable solutions for improving living conditions in Europe and in developing and emerging countries.

Fundación Adyan
Lebanese NGO that works on valuing cultural and religious diversity in its conceptual and practical dimensions, locally and internationally.

European Centre for Studies and Initiatives (Italy). Non-profit, apolitical, and non-governmental organisation. It promotes growth and development through the active participation of all stakeholders.

Institució Cultural del CIC (ICCIC)
Private foundation (Catalonia, Spain) operating in the fields of culture and education. It promotes an educational network of more than 8,000 students.

Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
CIS (University of Sarajevo) focuses on the interdisciplinary education of new generations of experts in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in South East Europe.

German NGO that develops projects and facilitates trainings dealing with conflict transformation and civic education targeting mainly young civil society activists interested in experience-based learning.

Europahuis Ryckevelde
European and international centre that promotes European citizenship by translating European themes into information on a human scale and fostering participation from young adults and civil society at large.

Ideaborn Foundation
Non-profit organisation established to efficiently and effectively pursue promotion and interventions in the field of human rights, fundamental freedoms and social justice.
- Intensive courses
- Tailored-made courses
- Short- and long-term technical assistance